Super Chunky Slouchy Beanie Crochet Pattern
Whether you’re looking to save on your own accessories or want to personalize a gift for a friend, knitting a hat from scratch can be a great project. If you’re new to crocheting, creating a whole hat can seem daunting. However, this is easier than it sounds. By following a few simple instructions and spending a little time, you can knit an adorable and unique hat.
This hat is a classic and comfortable hat that can be easily adjusted to fit any head! I love that this is done from top to bottom, so you can make it as long or short as you like. Knit to get more circles for a baggy hat, or fewer circles for a fitted beanie. It’s also very simple and definitely suitable for beginners if you know how to knit in a circle!
I love quick and simple patterns that I can make with not a lot of constant watching to make sure I don’t mess the pattern up! Plus, I love how quickly this beanie works up with Lion Brand Hometown USA or Wool-Ease yarn. And, using this super bulky yarn, will keep you nice and toasty warm this winter ?